- 时间:2024-05-13 来源:九州体育 人气:
本文摘要:Samsung Electronics Co has recalled all Galaxy Note 7 smartphones equipped with batteries it has found to be fire-prone and halted their sales in 10 markets.三星电子有限公司因找到盖乐世Note 7智能手机配有的电池易燃,已解任所有备有这种电池的该型号手机并在10个市场停止销售。
Samsung Electronics Co has recalled all Galaxy Note 7 smartphones equipped with batteries it has found to be fire-prone and halted their sales in 10 markets.三星电子有限公司因找到盖乐世Note 7智能手机配有的电池易燃,已解任所有备有这种电池的该型号手机并在10个市场停止销售。Koh Dong-jin, head of the South Korean companys smartphone business, declined to comment on how many phones needed to be replaced, but said Samsung had sold 2.5m of the premium devices so far.韩国三星智能手机业务主管高东真拒绝接受就必须更换的手机数量置评,但回应三星目前已卖出250万部这种高端手机。Speaking at a news conference, Koh expressed regret over the recall, which will affect markets including South Korea and the United States.在新闻发布会上,高东真对此次解任表示歉意,这次解任将对韩国和美国等市场产生影响。
Models in China feature a different battery and are not being recalled by Samsung, the worlds biggest smartphone vendor.中国市场该型号手机配有的电池有所不同,因此不在世界上仅次于的智能手机供应商三星的解任之佩。The recall comes just over two weeks after the company launched its latest premium phone, which features an outsized screen and high-resolution camera. It follows reports of the 988,900 won ($885) phone igniting while charging.三星发售这款近期高端手机刚刚多达两周之后再次发生了解任事件。
该手机具备超大的屏幕和高清晰摄像头。此前曾有报导称之为这台价值98万8900韩元(折算885美元)的手机在电池时着了火。Samsung plans to replace not only phones with faulty batteries sold to consumers, but also retailer inventories and units in transit.三星计划不仅替换向消费者卖出的配有有问题电池的手机,零售商库存及载运途中的手机也在替换之佩。
Nomura estimated that more than 1 million units have been sold to end consumers.据野村证券估算,约有多达100万台该手机已销售给最后消费者。I cant comment on exactly how much the cost will be, but it pains my heart that it will be such a big number, Koh said.高东真回应:“我无法评论代价不会有多大,但我要难过的说道,这将是这样一个相当大的数字。
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