- 时间:2024-12-31 来源:九州体育 人气:
本文摘要:A self-driving start-up in Silicon Valley is exploring emojis as a robotic response to the honks, nods, waves and other signals exchanged between human road users.硅谷一家自动驾驶初创公司正在探寻利用表情符号自动对此兜喇叭、低头、鞠躬等人类道路使用者之间互相交换的信号。
A self-driving start-up in Silicon Valley is exploring emojis as a robotic response to the honks, nods, waves and other signals exchanged between human road users.硅谷一家自动驾驶初创公司正在探寻利用表情符号自动对此兜喇叭、低头、鞠躬等人类道路使用者之间互相交换的信号。Drive.ai is beginning a test near its Mountain View headquarters of autonomous cars fitted with digital signage on their roofs. Drive.ai公司正在坐落于山景城(Mountain View)的总部附近对车顶装有数字显示屏的自动驾驶汽车展开测试。The display, which also incorporates an array of cameras and sensors for navigation, can show text and pictures, as well as making sounds, to provide cues to human drivers of the robot’s intentions.这种显示屏还包括一组用作导航系统的摄像头及传感器,它需要表明文本和图片,还可以发出声音,以向人类司机提醒无人车的意图。
If you take the driver out of the equation, how do other human beings communicate with this car? A self-driving car needs to emote intention, understand what the other cars are doing and signal to them what it wants to do, said Carol Reiley, co-founder and president of the year-old company.这家正式成立仅有一年的公司的牵头创始人、总裁卡萝尔赖利(Carol Reiley)回应:如果你的车里没驾驶员,其他人该怎样与这辆车交流?自动驾驶汽车必须传达意图,领会其他车辆正在做到什么并向它们发出信号,告诉它想要做到什么。Among the signs being tested are the smiley faces, winks and hand gestures of emoji that have become a popular addition to text messaging and social networking in recent years.正在被测试的信号还包括笑脸、眨眼、手势等各种表情符号,这些表情包在近年来早已沦为短信与社交网络中很风行的可选符号。
We are anticipating that people’s behaviour will be very different around self-driving cars [compared] to normal cars, she said. We aren’t satisfied with the lights and sounds on a current car. 我们指出,比较普通汽车,人类驾驶员在自动驾驶汽车周围时的不道德将深感有所不同,她说道,我们并不符合于现有汽车的灯光和声音。We need to design a new kind of robot that can communicate safely and interact with people.我们必须设计一种需要安全性地与人类交流和对话的新型机器人。
While most robots in use are in factories, cordoned off behind warning notices, Ms Reiley said that a self-driving car would be the first social robot that will be released into the world.虽然大多数在用于的机器人都坐落于工厂且被警戒线隔绝在警告通告之后,但赖利回应,自动驾驶汽车将沦为首个被投入到真实世界的社交型机器人。Drive.ai, which has raised $12m from undisclosed investors, was founded last year by Stanford University graduates. 由斯坦福大学(Stanford University)几名毕业生去年创办的Drive.ai,已未曾公开发表的投资人手中筹措了1200万美元。They had been working to apply deep learning, a strand of artificial intelligence research, to driving.他们仍然在致力于将深度自学(人工智能研究的一个分支)应用于驾驶员。
In April, Drive.ai became the 13th company to be approved for autonomous testing in California by the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles .今年4月,Drive.ai沦为第13家取得加州机动车辆管理局(Department of Motor Vehicles)批准后展开自动驾驶测试的公司。While others are focused on highway driving, Drive.ai is targeting more crowded and complex urban environments for its first deployments.虽然其他一些公司于是以专心于高速公路驾驶员测试,但Drive.ai首批测试的目标是更加挤迫、更加简单的城市环境。
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