如何防范手机黑客 教您几个妙招(上)
- 时间:2024-01-21 来源:九州体育 人气:
本文摘要:The government hack of an iPhone used by a San Bernardino killer serves as a reminder that phones and other electronic devices arent impenetrable vaults.政府雇用黑客顺利密码圣贝纳迪诺案件刺客的iPhone数据的案例,提防我们,手机和其他电子设备并不像银行金库那样安全可靠,牢不可破。
The government hack of an iPhone used by a San Bernardino killer serves as a reminder that phones and other electronic devices arent impenetrable vaults.政府雇用黑客顺利密码圣贝纳迪诺案件刺客的iPhone数据的案例,提防我们,手机和其他电子设备并不像银行金库那样安全可靠,牢不可破。While most people arent targets of the NSA, FBI or a foreign government, hackers are looking to steal the financial and personal information of ordinary people.虽然大多数人的金融账户和个人信息并非国家安全局、联邦调查局,或外国政府的调查目标,但却时刻有可能沦为黑客的盗取对象。Your phone stores more than just selfies. Your email account on the phone, for instance, is a gateway to resetting banking and other sensitive passwords.您的手机中不仅存在自拍电影,还有许多其他关键信息。例如,黑客可通过电子邮箱账户,重置您的银行账户密码和其他脆弱密码。
Like washing your hands and brushing your teeth, a little cyber hygiene can go a long way toward preventing disaster.“网络洗手”虽然是不起眼的小事,但就像洗澡和进食一样,可以为您省却大麻烦。LOCK YOUR PHONE WITH A PASSCODE用于锁住屏密码Failing to do so is like leaving your front door unlocked.手机不另设密码锁,就像家里没有人、门户大进一样,没什么安全性可言。A four-digit passcode - and an accompanying self-destruct feature that might wipe a phones data after too many wrong guesses - stumped the FBI for weeks and forced them to bring in outside help.别小看这一串四位数密码,输错太多次的话,手机就不会自动抹掉数据。
连FBI调查员都被这难倒,被迫请求外援协助。Using six digits makes a passcode 100 times harder to guess.六位密码要比四位密码无以猜中100倍。And if you want to make it even harder, you can add letters and other characters to further increase the number of possible combinations.如果想要让密码更难猜中,可以加到些字母或其他字符,这不会更进一步减少中奖几率,减少密码可玩性。These are options on both iPhones and Android.iPhone和安卓手机都有这些选项。
The iPhones self-destruct feature is something you must turn on in the settings, under Touch ID Passcode.要关上iPhone的数据自动封存功能,你可以在设置里面的Touch ID Passcode选项下操作者。Do so, and the phone wipes itself clean after 10 failed attempts. But the 10 attempts apply to your guesses, too, if you forget your passcode, or if your kids start randomly punching in numbers. Android has a similar feature.这样设置以后,输错密码10次,手机就不会自动抹掉数据。但是,如果您真为记得了密码,或者熊孩子笔内乱按数字,手机也不会在密码输错10次后自动封存数据。
安卓系统也有类似于的功能。Both systems will also introduce waiting periods after several wrong guesses to make it tough to try all combos.密码输错几次后,iPhone和安卓系统都会转入停止使用模式,所以很难再继续中举密码。
Biometrics, such as fingerprint scanners, can act as a shortcut and make complex passcodes less of a pain.我们还能通过指纹检验等生物识别技术,方便快捷地展开检验,免职输出密码的困难。
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