- 时间:2023-11-05 来源:九州体育 人气:
本文摘要:In an unusual move that may have serious *implications for both the US presidential election and US-Russian relations, Washington has officially accused Moscow of *interfering in the showdown for the US presidency between Hillary Clinton a
In an unusual move that may have serious *implications for both the US presidential election and US-Russian relations, Washington has officially accused Moscow of *interfering in the showdown for the US presidency between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.日前,美国已月指控俄罗斯在美国议会选举的关键时刻,阻碍希拉里克林顿和唐纳德特朗普之间的竞选。而这个不奇怪的行径,有可能将严重影响美国总统议会选举和俄美关系。Although the US Democratic Party said as early as June that Russian government hackers were behind the major leak of emails that embarrassed the Party leadership and Hillary Clinton, the White House did not immediately confirm the accusation, or join the *condemnation of Russia.美国民主党早于在今年6月就曾回应,使党内领导层和希拉里克林顿陷于窘境的邮件门事件,其幕后黑手乃是俄政府的黑客,然而白宫却没立刻具体表态,也没对俄罗斯展开指责。But on Oct 7, just two days ahead of the second US presidential debate between Trump and Clinton, the Obama administration made public the official accusations.但到了10月7日,就在希拉里和特朗普即将展开第二轮美国总统大选辩论的前两天,奥巴马政府公开发表宣告了官方指控。
The US Intelligence Community is confident that the Russian government directed the recent compromises of emails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations, said the administration in a statement. These *thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process.美国情报局相信,俄罗斯政府操纵了近期的美国政治的组织、个人及机构的邮件信息泄漏,美方在一份声明中回应,这些偷窃和曝光不道德意图阻碍美国的议会选举进程。Russia has denied any involvement in the hacking. 回应,俄罗斯方面坚称参予任何黑客行动。Just hours after the accusations were published, whistle-blowing site WikiLeaks released thousands of emails stolen from a Clinton campaign official, including some that contained *excerpts from speeches Clinton made to Wall Street banks. 而就在美方公布指控几个小时后,维基解密网发布了一位希拉里竞选团队成员所接到的数千封电子邮件,其中还包括希拉里在华尔街银行演说的节录。
The *revelations are expected to bring *embarrassment to Clinton, despite currently leading Trump by a comfortable *margin in the polls.尽管目前希拉里在民意调查中支持率略胜特朗普一筹,但这些透露预期将不会使她身陷窘境。
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